The initial release of Participle is now available on the Unity Asset Store. Huzzah!
Participle is an asset that makes it easy to script creative and novel behaviors for particle effects. At its core, Participle is a flexible event dispatcher that offers convenient access to the state of individual particles within Unity’s Shuriken particle system. It makes it simple to construct effects that respond to fundamental events, such as particle birth and death, as well as more sophisticated conditions like the length of time a particle has lived or the distance it has traveled.
The kernel of the Participle asset emerged from my work on creating real-time, generative art to be embedded in glass sculptures. When I considered the widespread use of particle effects in Unity apps of every description, however, I realized that my small seed of an idea could be grown into a general purpose asset that could benefit many. It is my hope and my goal that this proves to be the case.
Learn more about Participle here.
View Participle on the Asset Store.